Getting Here (fast)
Our artistic director Jamie Walton goes on a jaunt:
We frequently receive enquiries from London-based artists, keen to make their next recording within the cocoon of the countryside, in a space that offers no distractions. The primary motivation cited is the desire to escape the persistent noise of a city, and we assure everyone that our studios are indeed fully soundproofed, (even though we only have wind or sheep to contend with).
The subject of how to get here is usually the next point of reassurance - there are not only fast trains to Yorkshire, but we can also pick you up on arrival. If you prefer to drive, think of it as embarking on a road trip - taking the scenic route can enhance that sense of escape and adventure.
I decided to test this out myself when travelling down to London to see our friend the Classic FM broadcaster Zeb Soanes who was appearing at Charterhouse to give a fabulous recital of Betjeman’s Banana Blush (poetry set to Jim Parker’s music). I took the train.
It struck me on the way back that the non-stop journey from King’s Cross to York took just under two hours, which is probably shorter than crossing London. And that’s without being greeted by our cheery studio manager, Hannah at York Station.
So, if you crave a breath of fresh air, we’re not so far away. Your swift journey will transport you to a whole new world.